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Inspired by a Design Legend

By 23rd February 2024March 1st, 2024No Comments

Dieter Rams holds a special place in my heart; he is, without a doubt, one of my favourite designers. Now, before you express your shock—yes, it’s hardly a surprise given he’s probably one of the most celebrated designers of all time. But stick with me.

His creations and philosophy have profoundly influenced how I perceive our interaction with the world and the objects within it. Among these, the modular hi-fi system for Braun, seamlessly integrated with the Vitsœ 606 Universal Shelving System, epitomises thoughtful design at its best.

The ten principles of good design laid out by Rams have not just influenced my appreciation for aesthetic and functionality, but they’ve also served to guide my own approach for design.

Luke MellerBonsai Interior Designer | BA (Hons) Sustainable Product Design

1. Good Design Is Innovative: Dieter Rams’ hi-fi system led its era, fusing aesthetics with function in pioneering ways, reshaping home audio technology.

2.  Good Design Makes a Product Useful: Focused on the user, Rams’ system paired intuitive operation with superior sound, enhancing life through ease and quality.

3. Good Design Is Aesthetic: With its unmistakable clean lines and elegance, the ensemble showcases Rams’ fusion of beauty with utility.

4. Good Design Makes a Product Understandable: The system’s clear interface reflects Rams’ commitment to simplicity, making each function self-evident.

5. Good Design Is Unobtrusive: Timeless and complementary, the design integrates with living spaces, supported by the adaptable Vitsœ 606 shelves.

6. Good Design Is Honest: The system’s design promises nothing beyond its functionality, ensuring form and function coherence without excess.

7. Good Design Is Long-lasting: Built to outlive trends, the hi-fi system’s durability in both build and design resists obsolescence.

8. Good Design Is Thorough Down to the Last Detail: Precision in every element, from knobs to sliders, reflects Rams’ meticulous care for user experience.

9. Good Design Is Environmentally Friendly: Anticipating the call for sustainability, the system was designed for longevity, to be valued over time.

10. Good Design Is as Little Design as Possible: The hi-fi system exemplifies minimalism, delivering its purpose confidently without superfluity.

Seeing Dieter Rams’ modular hi-fi system for Braun simply inspires me. Its blend of function and form, and the elegance in its simplicity, reinforces my belief in the power of thoughtful design. This hi-fi system is more than just a product of Rams’ brilliant mind; it’s a reflection of his deep understanding that great design is about enhancing life, not complicating it. Dieter Rams’ modular hi-fi system for Braun nestled within the adaptable Vitsœ 606 shelves, stands as a testament to his vision of living spaces that are not dominated by technology, but enriched by it.

Rams’ influence extends beyond his products; it resides in the intangible ethos that governs good design. His principles are a blueprint for creating work that is meaningful, responsible, and honest. They urge designers to ask not only “Can this be made?” but “Should this be made?” This ethos, more than any single creation, is his legacy.

In an age of excess, where more often equates to better, Rams’ principles offer a counter-narrative: that restraint is a form of elegance, that longevity trumps novelty, and that understanding is the highest form of functionality. His work with Braun and Vitsœ reminds us that good design is not about objects; it’s about the relationship between the object and the user, a dialogue that speaks of respect, utility, and beauty. Embracing Rams’ “less, but better” philosophy has not only shaped my approach to design but has also inspired a more mindful and purposeful way of living.